Showing 26 - 50 of 24,126 Results
United States-Cuban Relations: A Critical History by Esteban Morales Dominguez, ... ISBN: 9780739124444 List Price: $32.99
Steam Navigation and Its Relation to the Commerce of Canada and the United States by Croil, James ISBN: 9781410210661 List Price: $29.50
Employment Relations in the United States Law, Policy, and Practice by Hogler, Raymond L. ISBN: 9781412904148 List Price: $107.00
United States and Argentina Changing Relations in a Changing World by Norden, Deborah L., Russell... ISBN: 9780415932806 List Price: $32.95
Law relating to stocks, bonds, and other securities, in the United States. by Lewis, Francis A. ISBN: 9781240087686 List Price: $25.75
Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Finance of the United States Senate in Re... by Subcommittee Of Committee O... ISBN: 9781165187256 List Price: $31.96
Italy and Her Economic Relations with Europe and the United States by Ferrari-Aggradi, Mario, Har... ISBN: 9781258023751 List Price: $35.95
The Relation of International Law to the Law of England and of the United States of America ... by Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, Cyr... ISBN: 9781289346706 List Price: $20.75
Italy and Her Economic Relations with Europe and the United States by Mario Ferrari-Aggradi ISBN: 9781258164362 List Price: $12.47
Weapon of Choice: United States Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan by United States, Congress Hou... ISBN: 9780160729584 List Price: $102.00
Memorial Relating to the Conservation of Human Life As Contemplated by Bill, S 1, Providing ... by Fisher, Irving, Robbins, Em... ISBN: 9781168967954 List Price: $26.36
Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Part by United States. Dept. Of State ISBN: 9781174916489 List Price: $45.75
Federal Antitrust Decisions; Adjudicated Cases and Opinions of Attorneys General Arising Und... by United States Courts ISBN: 9781230344140 List Price: $22.40
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